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Sala de reuniões Macedo e Peres Advogados

We are capable of estimate the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and apply actions aiming the generation of carbon credits.

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Sustainability: Responsible Management

Transform the climate change in an opportunity to make significant changes is our mission, aiming to be a part of a transition to a carbon-positive economy, where every action counts to a greener and equaler future.


That’s why, in the middle of the dynamic scenario of the modern businesses, the comprehension of the carbon market emerges as a fundamental piece to visionary leaders committed to sustainability. The carbon market, a complex area, offers significant opportunities to companies that not only search to accomplish their environmental responsibilities, but also search to innovate and thrive in a changing world. 


In this scenario, we present a high qualified service, aiming to interact with social actors willing to undertake in a sustainable way and, yet, gain to their businesses a new financial active: the carbon credit.

Low Carbon Market

Aligned with the new trends that aim to improve the offering of legal services, Macedo & Peres Advogados has joined a highly specialized group of professionals, intending to develop projects in the carbon market area, which is closely related to the new model of business management based on ESG (environmental, social and governance). The goal is to maintain the balance between financial practice and sustainability actions, thereby avoiding the deterioration of natural resources.


In that way, undertaking projects with the aim of inventorying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and subsequently implementing actions to reduce these emissions becomes a necessity. The counterpart to this effort is the generation of carbon credits, a commodity that represents an important financial asset.


The team of engineers, our partners in this project, represented by the firm TEKOHA ENGENHARIA LTDA., possesses  the know-how to offer a high-performance service. placing our potential clients at the forefront of the productions of goods and services, through the implementation of a more sustainable management model.

Who we are

Get to know our team of experts responsible for handling carbon credit matters.

Diosnel Antonio Rodriguez Lopez

CREA/RS 112565

Mining Engineer from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP); Master's in Metallurgical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Metallurgy, and Environment from Technische Universitat Berlin. Experience in the field of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, with emphasis on Pollution Control, focusing primarily on the following topics: Solid Waste and Effluent Treatment, Life Cycle Analysis, and Remediation of Contaminated Areas. Technical consultant in the areas of Contaminated Soil Remediation, Environmental Licensing, Hydrogeology, and Environmental Impact Studies.

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Marcus Roberto Lourence Fraga

OAB/RS 59.305

Graduated from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL) with a bachelor’s degree in Law; Extension course in Climate Change and Carbon Market from the Polytechnic School and Innovation Center of PUC/RS; Municipal Tax Law course from DPM – Porto Alegre; Attending the MBA Carbon Credit: Project and Market. Works in the areas of Civil and Agrarian Law.

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Rômel Silva Kerber

CREA/RS 141304

Graduated from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL) with a bachelor’s degree in Agronomy; Specialist in Geodesy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM); Specialist in Asset Valuations (Machinery, Equipment, Rural and Urban Real Estate) from the Institute of Forensic and Valuation Engineering of Rio Grande do Sul, affiliated with the National Federative Entity – IBAPE. Extension course in Climate Change and Carbon Market from the Polytechnic School and Innovation Center of PUC/RS. Attending the MBA Carbon Credit: Project and Market. Works in judicial expertise in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

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Marechal Deodoro Street, 253/601, Santa Cruz do Sul/RS

55 51 2107-4543

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